A Collection of Stories from things Seen & Said in the BOH (Back-of-House)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Crazy Client & Customer Comments

* "This tomato bisque soup is better than Costco's!"

* "And that was the first time my mother saw me dressed as a man." (overheard at an HIV/Aids-Awareness reception)


Stupid & Silly Shit Servers Say

* "If you don't like anything else, you'll like our chicken skewers, they taste just like chicken fingers." (dumb blonde telling a guest at the memorial service of a judge)

* "Where does the water go?" (same dumb blonde when handed a mop bucket to clean up the milk she spilled)  Followed with, "I always had a butler or maid to clean up my messes."


Dumb things servers Do

* Recently someone told me they worked an event where their server's father came to help.  In the middle of the speaker's address (at a high-end resort) this man unzipped his pants to tuck in his shirt.  Right in the middle of the floor...seriously!?  Not only that, he poured himself a cup of coffee and was drinking it on the floor.  How dumb can people be?

* On more than one occasion and at multiple venues I have found staff playing with displays.  "Really, dumb ass, how stupid are you to think this is ok or no one is watching you?"


Events worth highlighting

* Daddy-daughter prep school dance in which all 300+ girls wore feather boas that shed all over the art museum floor

* Working for one of the Walton's (google Wal*Mart 1%)

* Working multiple events at the home of Emmitt & Pat Smith while he was in Arizona (Great people!)


Meaningful Moments

* A bride crawling on her daddy's lap in his wheelchair (he had Lou Gehrig's disease) while someone moved the chair around the dance floor for their father-daughter dance. (Yes, I did cry at this)


1-yr old Birthday Party

Recently I worked a birthday party for a 1-year old.  In addition to the extravagant catering menu the following was provided for the 15+ children in attendance:
* petting zoo (brought into client's backyard)
* train rides throughout neighborhood
* face painting
* balloon artist
* jumpy ball thing
* swinging chair thing (pictured)

The floral centerpieces & balloons must have cost $1000k.  But hey, who am I to comment...the client handed me a $500 blank check to share with my chef & 3 servers.  Happy to know there are still people that appreciate & reward great service.